We are driving the next generation of discoveries to address critical cancer challenges and accelerate the translation of scientific evidence into patient benefit.
Fostering an outstanding cancer care workforce to help maintain and enhance world-leading patient outcomes through online learning, courses and events.
Health Equity
Pursuing equity in access to cancer care and outcomes for all Victorians affected by cancer.
Consumer Engagement
Partnering with consumers at every step of our journey, because no-one knows cancer like someone who’s lived it.
About Us
Research, academic and clinical institutions working together to accelerate cancer research, knowledge and expertise to benefit all.
News & Events
The VCCC Alliance brings you the latest in cancer research, education and clinical care through engaging, relevant and informative events.

Consumer Engagement

Partnering with consumers at every step of our journey, because no-one knows cancer like someone who’s lived it.

Model and case studies

We have a commitment to capture the voice of consumers, to listen to the unique and crucial points of view that consumers bring and incorporate these into decisions that shape strategy and program development. 

Our consumer engagement strategy guides integration of the consumer voice. Incorporating the Cancer Australia’s National Framework for Consumer Engagement in Cancer Control as a foundation, the mechanisms of engagement are defined across five tiers of participation: Informing, Consulting, Involving, Partnership, and Consumer-Led. 

Capability model

The VCCC Alliance Model of Consumer Engagement draws upon the consumer involvement capability model of Cancer Australia and outlines a range of mechanisms for engagement tailored for our diverse areas of work. The five tiers reflect levels of participation to guide training and skill development, communication, and remuneration. In practice, any one program can utilise multiple levels of engagement depending on the specific purpose and phase of work. 

Levels of engagement

Download a copy of the model of consumer engagement diagram


  • Participate as an audience member in symposia and other events.
  • Receive health information and research news through newsletters, emails and other media.


  • Participate in consultation activities such as surveys, focus groups, consultative workshops and interviews.
  • Storytelling to support communications, program development or delivery: interviews, writing, video-based.


  • Speaking engagements/panel member at events on behalf of an organisation.
  • Reviewer roles in research, education, training and communications (or other areas where there are materials to be reviewed with a consumer lens).


  • Represent the consumer perspective on steering committees, working groups and interview panels.
  • Program and project involvement via liaison, advisor, team member, project governance.


  • Engagement in governance, strategy, policy and evaluation.
  • Advocacy, leadership, evaluation and continuous improvement of consumer engagement practice.
  • Provision of strategic advice on consumer engagement and on consumer-led education and research priorities/initiatives to organisational leadership team.
  • Drive a program of consumer-led consultation to build relationships and knowledge base in diversity of experiences and needs.
  • Foster networking, information sharing, two-way communications and collaboration.
Small Consumer Engagement Model
Components of consumer engagement

Advisory committee

Cancer Consumer Advisory Committee is a standing committee of the VCCC Alliance Board. Members are drawn from, and representative of alliance member community advisory committees with additional expert members. The committee has an independent consumer Chair who is a member of the VCCC Alliance distributed leadership team.

Steering and working groups

Consumers are members across the Strategic Program Plan steering and working groups.

Event participation

Consumer inclusion is a requirement for all VCCC Alliance-sponsored events. Participation can be as co-chairs, panel members, opening and closing speeches, oral and poster presentations.

Skill development

The VCCC Alliance conducts skill development courses and training for consumers, researchers, health professionals and program managers.

Lived experiences

Consumer voices are solicited as part of all program development and implementation to ensure the reality of lived experiences remains central.

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